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News Detail


May, 2023

Email from SLL President Bethanny

Hello everyone!   We're off to a great start of this season! It's wonderful to see the fields full with kids! There are a couple of housekeeping announcements..

1- If you wanted to order photos of your player and either as a parent, weren't there picture day to fill out the form and payment for order, OR if you needed to follow up. Please do that ASAP: contact The Valley Studio via email: [email protected]  Photos are nearly complete and ready to be distributed, so don't miss out on the opportunity to place that order! 

2- If you contacted Turner Promotions for any uniform changes personally or replacement of lost hats.. Please pick up your items! They are in and ready and would love to get them off their shelves :) You can contact them at 208-920-3119 if you are not sure if you have an item waiting!

3- Be on the lookout for the ALLSTAR information email to come out on Monday for U-10, U-12, U-14 age groups!

Have a great weekend! I know there are lots of games happening in town and out of town! Safe travels to all and have Fun playing and watching Baseball and Softball!~Bethanny DanishPresident, Sandpoint Little League

Contact Us

Sandpoint Little League

P.O. Box 832 
Sandpoint, Idaho 83864

Email: [email protected]

Sandpoint Little League

P.O. Box 832 
Sandpoint, Idaho 83864

Email: [email protected]
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