Single A (known as Rookies prior to 2012) is designed for players league age 6-7. At this level, batters are pitched to by the coaches. If the batter does not get a hit in five pitches from the coach, the batter will then hit off a batting tee. Coaches are required to rotate each player through defensive positions. Coaches begin focusing on defensive fundamentals as this division recognizes a three-out inning. No umpires and no score keeping with exception of a five-run rule per inning. There is an all girl Rookies Softball division for 6-7 year old within this grouping. If your daughter would prefer to be on an all girl team, you can register them for ROOKIES SOFTBALL under the SOFTBALL Divisions Tab.
Single A players will turn 6 or 7 by August 31st (League Age). If your player is league age 6 and has not played before, we request that he or she play 1 year at the Tee-Ball level before moving up to Single A.
Weather permitting, Single A practices begin in early to mid-April with games starting by the end of April (weather permitting). SLL makes every effort to encourage coaches to have two weeks of practice, with two practices per week before the season begins. Once games start, coaches are encouraged to have at least one practice per week in addition to games. The season ends the last week of the school year.
SLL will do their best to keep kids on teams as they relate to geographic areas (ie: Sagle, Sandpoint, Colburn). SLL tries to cap teams at 10 so kids can have as much playing time as possible. If your player has a friend they want to be on the team with, please designate that name in the Special Requests during registration.
Practices may be at area schools, but mostly at Nazarene Church Field. Games are played at the Nazarene Church field in Ponderay.
Games are no longer than one hour and thirty minutes OR six innings, whichever is first. Games are played in the afternoon with the first set no earlier than 4:00 pm and the second game ending no later than 8:00 pm. There are usually two games per week. Games are played Monday through Friday.