Sandpoint Little League offers baseball divisions for ages 4-14. And in certain circumstances, we may also be able to roster a 15-year old.
Certain aged players may need to "play up" or "play down" in a division not allowed by the registration system, so please email if such a transfer is requested. For more information see the Little League Rules and chart
*** Special request for teams, coaches, or school areas should be added to the "special request" section ***
At all levels, it is the goal of Sandpoint Little League to provide a safe, fun and enjoyable environment for our children to play and learn the game of baseball. With that being our overriding priority, the following are the divisions of Baseball supported by our Little League organization:
Tee Ball
Tee Ball is designed for boys and girls turning 4-6 in the current year. It is the goal of SLL to provide a safe, fun and enjoyable environment for our children to play and learn the game of baseball. At this level we focus on base running, throwing, catching and batting. Teams bat through the entire order each inning. Coaches are required to rotate each player through defensive positions. Read more
Single A
Single A is designed for players league age 6-7. At this level, batters are pitched to by a coach or pitching machine. If the batter does not get a hit in five pitches from the pitching machine, the batter will then hit off a batting tee. Coaches are required to rotate each player through defensive positions. Coaches begin focusing on defensive fundamentals as this division recognizes a three-out inning. No umpires and no score keeping with exception of a five-run rule per inning. Read more
Double A (AA)
Double A is designed for players league age 7-9 and is a combination of player and coach pitch. This level is intended to bridge the gap between Single A coach pitch and AAA player pitch. Coaches focus on the reinforcement of fundamentals including catching, proper throwing motion, base running and a strong emphasis on hitting by developing proper swing mechanics. Players will also learn basic pitching skills and fundamentals at this level. An emphasis will be placed on learning the rules of baseball and the strategies of the game. Volunteer parent umpires will be used and a 5-run rule per inning will apply. Read more
Triple A (AAA)
Designed for players 9-11, the AAA Baseball is the start of competitive baseball in our league. AAA players are required to attend the Skills Assessment. This is still considered an instructional league with an emphasis on enhancing each player’s abilities and fundamentals of baseball in a competitive environment. Parents should expect a few games in neighboring communities. Scorekeeping and standings are kept at this level with regular season awards presented at the championship game. Kids pitch at this level with pitch counts strictly adhered to. One home plate umpire is used at this level. An 8-year old wanting to "play up" in AAA will need to attend the Skills Assessment. Read more
The Majors Baseball level is the top level in Little League and is available for league ages 11-12. Majors players are required to attend the Skills Assessment. This is a very competitive level of play and competes with other local area communities during the season. Parents should expect a small numbers of games in neighboring communities. Instruction and coaching are given to each player and playing skills are enhanced. Playing time and players positions are based on player abilities and what best suits the entire team. Scorekeeping and standings are kept at this level with regular season awards presented at the championship game. Kids pitch at this level with pitch counts strictly adhered to. One home plate umpire is used at this level. A 10-year old wanting to "play up" in Majors will need a Skills Assessment score to justify the move. Read more
Juniors Baseball (13-14) is the first level where players play on 90-foot base paths and 60-foot pitching mound. For most players, this will be their first experience playing baseball like the big leagues. Parents should expect roughly half of scheduled games will be away games, with games on both weeknights and weekends. Juniors players are required to attend the Skills Assessment. Read more
Seniors Baseball (15-16) is not a division supported by SLL. Players of this age are encouraged to play for Sandpoint High School. However, there are exceptions that might allow certain 15-year olds to play on our Juniors teams.
Sandpoint Little League may have an All-Star team at the end of the season in each of the following divisions: Juniors 14U, Majors 12U, 11U, Minors 10U, and Softball Minors 10U, Majors 12U & Juniors 14U. Read more about the All Stars Selection Process